Theological ponderings from William Loewen

Author: admin

  • The Kingdom of Heaven is like an All-Star Game

    The Kingdom of Heaven is like an All-Star Game

    There was once an All-Star event where the players were lined up to be introduced to the fans. At the far end were two men, different in almost every way. One man, named Patrick, was a little under six feet tall, but highly skilled, highly paid, and high scoring, with few penalty minutes. The other…

  • Sensitive, not accurate

    Sensitive, not accurate

    I don’t know anyone who was actually offended by the red cups controversy at Starbucks. Maybe I just don’t have the right social media contacts, I don’t know. This isn’t the first time what we call the time around Christmas has stirred up a media frenzy, and it probably won’t be the last.  I’m not…

  • Advent 2, 2015 – The Path of Mercy

    Advent 2, 2015 – The Path of Mercy

    This is my sermon from Second Advent Sunday this year. The central text was Luke 1: 68-79.

  • Advent 1, 2015 – The Path of Justice

    Advent 1, 2015 – The Path of Justice

    This is my sermon from First Advent Sunday this year. The central texts were Jeremiah 33: 14-16 and Luke 24: 25-36.

  • Soccer, an exercise in empathy

    Soccer, an exercise in empathy

    As a family grows and ages, there are certain things that are perhaps inevitable that would have seemed strange before, like buying a minivan, shopping at Costco for practical reasons, and sitting in a lawn chair at the park three times a week watching kids play soccer. This is our first year registering our kids…

  • Gardening as an exercise in empathy

    Gardening as an exercise in empathy

    Unlike the last few years, this spring I planted some seeds. I thought it would help me connect with the land, and maybe it has and will continue to do, but I’ve already been surprised by how well it has connected me with other people and their stories. I planted my seeds in what not…

  • The Political Matters (or does it?)

    The Political Matters (or does it?)

    One of the ways that I annoy my wife, is that when people call the house to ask if I want to take part in a survey, I almost always say yes. I agree, not because I’m a pushover (that’s debatable) or because it allows me to shirk other responsibilities at home, but because I…

  • Booking for clues

    Booking for clues

    Not long ago I wasn’t really a big fan of funerals. I didn’t like how artificial they seemed and how anything remotely wrong a person did was instantly forgotten. I was uneasy with how morbid they were; that a bunch of people could casually sit in the same room as a dead body. Also, like…

  • Set aside for suffering

    Set aside for suffering

    I was supposed to have submitted this post this past Sunday, the 15th, but my schedule didn’t allow for that. The content is the same as it would have been, but since it’s not the 15th anymore, the numerical connection isn’t as strong. If that’s important for you, just bookmark this page, and read it…

  • UP in spiritual terms

    UP in spiritual terms

    Have you heard the conspiracy theory about Disney’s UP? If you haven’t seen it, you should. It’s a beautiful story of an old man who, as a child, dreamt of being an explorer like his hero Charles Muntz and is now living that out by floating his home down to South America with the help…