Theological ponderings from William Loewen

Category: Parenting

  • How I Talk to My Little Girls

    How I Talk to My Little Girls

    An article showed up on my Facebook feed a few times a long time ago.  I had a reaction to it at the time, but I figured it would fade away, which it mostly did.  Now I’ve seen the article posted again a few more times and I thought it would be worth spelling out…

  • Babies don’t fix anything

    Every now and then I hear people talk as though having a baby will somehow fix a part of their life.  Don’t get me wrong, I love babies.  I think there are lots of people who aren’t having babies that should.  Still, it needs to be clear that having a baby, whether it’s by birth…

  • I forgot

    I forgot how tired I felt when at two in the morning I was woken up by a crying baby and a frustrated wife. I forgot how keenly aware I was of the sleep I was losing, the productivity I would be sacrificing and how much my forthcoming decrease in mental alertness would cost me.…